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5 senses therapy

Connect with your body by being in the present while you relax


If you want to experience deep relaxation, be connected with your interior while your body receives a relaxing massage, this therapy is for you.

  • Relax your body with a delicious massage

  • Surrounded by nature and sounds of the forest

  • Release your body of tension

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What does it consist of ?

Relaxation and connection

The therapy of the 5 senses is a technique that seeks to connect the human being with his environment through the senses with the purpose of harmonizing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


The therapy includes a series of activities that seek to stimulate the five senses. To achieve deep relaxation, be in the present, practicing mindfulness and connecting with nature. This therapy begins with the stimulation of the sense of taste through a small tasting of coffee beans dipped in organic chocolate from the area.



To connect with the sense of touch, you will receive a relaxing massage that helps release muscle tension and connect with the body. Aromatherapy with essential oils, incense and incense is used for smell based on a holistic approach. You will be on a platform surrounded by nature where you can activate your sense of hearing with the sounds of a nearby river and animals that will allow you to disconnect from the outside world and connect with the tranquility of the forest.


By relaxing the body, brain waves reduce their frequency and you will be able to connect with your intuition through memories, images or memories that can be shown on the screen in front of your closed eyes, connecting with the sense of sight.

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2 hours

About Joel

As a massage therapist with a life purpose focused on providing nature treatments in La Fortuna, Costa Rica, my story is woven with a passion for helping others find balance and well-being in harmony with the natural environment. My journey towards becoming a healer through massage began with a deep connection to nature and the desire to share its healing benefits with others.

My holistic and respectful approach to body, mind and spirit reflects in every massage session I offer, creating an environment of healing and renewal for my clients.


The beauty and serenity of La Fortuna provide the perfect setting for treatments, where every movement and every touch is infused with intention and love for what I do.


My commitment to your life purpose not only involves providing therapeutic massages in a natural environment, but also cultivating a space of peace and healing where each person who crosses my path can experience the magic of connection with nature and with themselves.

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